Regina High School, Minneapolis, MN
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Reunion Program
For the Regina All-School Reunion Held May 2, 2009

An all-school, all-class Regina high school reunion took place May 2, 2009, 11 AM to about 6 PM, at the Minneapolis Airport Marriott hotel, Bloomington, MN. The Sinsinawa Dominican sisters planned a special program. There was a luncheon and time to mingle and visit. Regina High School operated for 28 years in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This Regina reunion marks the 50th anniversary of the high school's founding.

Time Activity
11:00 AM Gathering, greeting (introduction of sisters and former lay teachers/staff)
11:30 AM Prayer
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Program: History of RHS through the Eyes of Her Principals
  1. Sr. Marie Amanda
  2. Sr. Mary Eileen
  3. Elinore Davis
  4. Sr. Mary Ellen Gevelinger (video)
2:00 PM Dominicans of Sinsinawa Today (Sr. Mary Ellen Green)
2:15 PM Sharing of memories (end with school song)
3:00 PM Time to mingle and visit
4:00 PM Closing ritual
  1. Final prayer (Mary T.)
  2. Sisters sing Dominican Blessing
Until 6:00 PM in the room More time to mingle and visit

Regina Reunion