Regina High School, Minneapolis, MN
Class of '70 Contact List
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To the Regina Class of '70 Contact List


Except for the backup email address and backup phone number, any information that you provide in this form will be published online in the Class of '70 Contact List at

Any woman who attended Regina in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during any of her high school years and graduated or would have graduated in 1970 (whether or not she graduated from Regina) is welcome to submit her contact information.

Use this form to submit your listing for the first time and also anytime that you want to add to, remove, or change any of the information in your listing. Feel free to edit your listing as often as you wish. Each time that you want to edit your listing, submit all of the information and only the information that you want included in your entire revised listing. (To remove your listing entirely, please use the Remove Your Listing form.)

IMPORTANT TIP: If you include a phone number in your public listing or if you provide a backup phone number, then I can call you if your email address changes and you forget to update your listing here. The backup email address and backup phone number are optional and will not be made public. They're just additional ways for me to contact you if your other contact information no longer works. At any time, you can just email me backup contact information so you won't have to complete the whole form on this page.

Feel free to list your website, Facebook, Twitter, or other social networking web address or addresses in the "Website URL" slots.

An * indicates a required field.    ~ Mary

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