Regina High School, Minneapolis, MN
Class of '70 Contact List
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To the Regina Class of '70 Contact List

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For your convenience in spotting what's new at the Class of '70 Contact List, below, the latest at the top, are those who have added or updated their listing there. (To see the latest updates to this page, you may need to refresh your browser.)

Cathy (Caruso) Smith  Updated 2024-02-05 (Listing removed)
Mary (Hughes) Kirchhofn  Updated 2023-10-28 (Listing removed)
Suzanne M (Dickhausen) Sivertsen  Updated 2022-09-21 (Deceased, listing removed)
Debra Ann (Blake) Blake  Updated 2022-07-05
Elizabeth (Lais) Birk  Updated 2022-06-03
Mary A (Hartle) Hartle  Added 2020-08-02
Celine A (Lyman) Lyman  Updated 2020-05-01
Mary (Meyer) Meyer  Updated 2020-04-23
Terri K (Kennedy) Ruter  Added 2020-03-19
Nancy L (Sorman) Sorman  Added 2020-03-03
Lisa K (Ventura) Olson  Updated 2020-02-27
Mary E (Bolkcom) Bolkcom  Added 2020-02-26
Norma (Brambilla) Brambilla  Updated 2020-02-17
Kathryn (Mancino) Richmond  Updated 2020-02-17 (Deceased, listing removed)
Mary (Vasaly) Vasaly  Updated 2020-02-15
Patty (Winchell) Winchell-Dahl  Updated 2020-02-14
Pamela J (Morris) Miner  Updated 2020-02-14
Catherine (Cathy) A (McMullen) Plessner  Updated 2020-01-22
Elfie (Evaline) (Boersma)   Added 2020-01-10
Mary (Deblon) Conley  Added 2020-01-10
Teresa M (Schneider) Schneider  Added 2020-01-06
Denise K (Burgoyne) Benedict  Added 2019-11-22
Mary (Kent) Vandrovec  Added 2019-03-31
Marg M (McKenna) Herrmann  Added 2019-03-26
Martha K (Kent) Salzman  Updated 2019-03-18
Irene (O'Brien) Poquette  Added 2019-03-07
Eileen T (Porter) Zierdt  Updated 2019-03-06
Barb (Gacek) Gacek  Updated 2019-03-05
Karen (Hammerstrom) Basara  Updated 2019-03-05
Paulette (Joyer) Joyer  Updated 2019-03-05
Marcia (Keller) Tholen  Updated 2019-03-05 (Deceased, listing removed)
Patty (Reynolds) Reynolds  Added 2016-11-06
Lucy L (LeVesque) Schuelke  Added 2016-08-23
Barbara (Kroth) Welch  Added 2014-08-19
Gail B (Bowar) Hyster  Updated 2014-08-19
MaryEllen (Linn) Linn  Updated 2014-08-09
Christine (Farris) Farris  Updated 2011-02-16
Sharon (Johnson) Brezina  Added 2011-02-06
Susan A (Muller) Amon  Added 2011-01-29
Vickie L (Joyner) Williams  Added 2010-07-26
Karen J (Solberg) Mathison  Added 2009-09-25
Jean (Beyer)  Updated 2009-08-06
Laure (Weber) Weber  Added 2009-07-07
Jan (Christianson) Doyle  Added 2009-07-07
Cathy (Chaplin)  Added 2009-07-06
Mary J (Fiedler) Zappia  Added 2009-06-22
Liz (O'Rourke) Staples  Added 2009-06-19
Harriet A (Young) Villalpando  Added 2009-06-18
Margy A (Loye) Eroh  Added 2009-06-18
Cecelia M (Carr) Kirihara  Updated 2009-06-02
Martyne (Sue) (Backman) Backman Added 2009-05-29
Marikay (Berens) Wolf  Added 2009-05-29
Pat (Carney) Larson  Added 2009-05-29
Cathy (Caruso) Smith  Added 2009-05-29
Sharon (Farrell) Farrell  Added 2009-05-29
Debbie (Flynn) Flynn  Added 2009-05-29
Jackie (Gleason) Helmeke  Added 2009-05-29
Pat (Harris) McGinnis  Added 2009-05-29
Liz (Jarosch) Kincaid  Added 2009-05-29
Mary Ellen (Manning) Manning  Added 2009-05-29
Mary (McKay) McKay  Added 2009-05-29
Sue (Nalezny) Rau  Added 2009-05-29
Mary C (Widell) Reinsmoen  Added 2009-05-29

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