Regina High School, Minneapolis, MN
Class of '70 Contact List
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Hi, I'm Mary Meyer (back to my maiden name) from Incarnation Grade School and Regina High School, graduating class of 1970.

It costs nothing to add your listing to the Regina Class of '70 Contact list or to edit your listing whenever you wish. It's totally free.

About a month before the May 2, 2009, All-School Regina Reunion, I got involved with helping to publicize the event. That's when I started this web site, which at the time, was all about that reunion.

After that occasion, I thought that I'd use this site to show -- only with permission -- the contact information of those who graduated or would have graduated from high school in 1970 and attended Regina during any of their high school years.

The contact list at this site is separate from all other contact lists on the Internet.



Regina Reunion