Regina High School, Minneapolis, MN
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The Regina All-School Reunion
Held September 11, 2021

When the Reunion Was Held:
September 11, 2021, 6:00 PM - midnight

Where the Reunion Was Held:
Knights of Columbus – Bloomington Event Center
1114 West American Blvd., Bloomington, MN 55420

Free Memory Book for Anyone to Enjoy Online or Download

The Memory Book includes ...

  • A message from the Reunion Planning Committee and a photo of it's four members
  • A link to an online digital copy of our Class of '70 Yearbook
  • Our school song
  • Photos from the reunion itself
  • Senior pictures as well as updated photos and biographies for many of our classmates
  • An In Memorium section with photos of our classmates who have passed away

Other Reunion Planning Committee Links:
Regina HS 1970 Facebook Group (You can join.)
Online Digital Copy of our Class of '70 Yearbook
RSVP List of Those Who Planned to Attend the Reunion
Map Giving a Look at Where Our Classmates Were Traveling From for the Reunion
Classmates Missing Email Addresses List
Another In Memoriam list of Class of '70 Classmates Who Have Passed Away
Reunion Flyer

Organizers of the Reunion:
The Reunion Planning Committee (Kathleen Killen Klukas, Marikay Berens Wolf, Lisa Ventura Olson, Sharon Johnson Bezina)
Email: [email protected]

The committee contacted classmates through email and mailings and used Everyone with a valid email address in the committee's database (at received email updates from the committee. Everyone for whom the committee had only an address received mail. The committees's database will be usefull for any other future reunions, too.

Who Could Attend the Reunion:
RHS alums, their spouses or significant others, friends, etc. This event was open to everyone who was willing to purchase a ticket.

Price or the Reunion:
$59.00 per person (Early bird tickets cost $49.00.)
The price included appetizers and a digital memory book (A cash bar was available.)

RSVP-ing regarding the Reunion:
RSVP-ing was required. The last date to purchase tickets was midnight August 29, 2021. Tickets were not available at the door.

Accommodations for the Reunion:
The reunion commitee offered hotel suggestions. Also, A special group rate of $70 plus tax for a studio suite per room per night was available at the Sonesta hotel in Richfield.

Regina Reunion