Regina High School, Minneapolis, MN
Class of '70 Contact List
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Welcome Class of '70 Women Who Ever Attended Regina High School
in Minneapolis, MN

Our 50th class reunion was held on September 11, 2021. For more information about the reunion, click here.

I don't have anything to do with planning reunions. Rather, this site just lists the contact information of those who have joined this site's contact list and posts information about past and future reunions.

I started the Class of '70 Contact List at so that gals could have easy access to each other's contact information and be notified about any upcoming public reunions for their class or for the whole school.

Any woman who attended Regina in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during any of her high school years and graduated or would have graduated in 1970 (whether or not she graduated from Regina) is welcome to add her contact information to this site. It's totally free.

    ~ Mary (Meyer) Meyer

Regina Reunion